Главная страница «Первого сентября»Главная страница журнала «Английский язык»Содержание №24/2009

Рождественское представление

Сценарий для учащихся 3–9-х классов


образовательная: расширение лингвистического кругозора и эрудиции учащихся;

развивающая: развитие языковых способностей учащихся, готовности к коммуникации;

воспитательная: создание условий для формирования у обучающихся интереса к культуре и традициям страны изучаемого языка.

Все гости рассаживаются в зале. На сцене камин, стол, не украшенная ёлка.

Выход Бабы Яги. (Песня “It’s nobody’s business”.)

Звонок в дверь. Входит почтальон.

Postmen: Hello! Is anybody home?

Baba Yaga: Just a minute. I’m coming.

Postmen: There is a telegram for you.

Baba Yaga: A telegram! For me?! But where are my glasses? Will you help me?

Postmen: (читает телеграмму) “We are going to arrive to celebrate Christmas with you. Your friends from England.”

Will you sign here. Good bye.

Baba Yaga: Oh! My God! I’m so old! I forgot everything. I don’t know how to receive guests. I don’t remember what holiday they are speaking about. Christmas! What does it mean? Oh! Poor me.

Выход Красной Шапочки.

Red Riding Hood: (поёт) If you walk along the forest

If you walk along the meadow,

If you walk along the valley,

(I suggest it every one),

You can see a lot of wonders,

You can have a lot of feelings,

You can visit many countries,

There is nothing much more fun.

There are some trees you have never

Seen before,

There is a place where you’ll never cry

Any more,

There are mountains made of marble,

You’ll forget about all trouble.

And your dreams will soon come true.

Baba Yaga: Who are you?

Red Riding Hood: Don’t you know me? Don’t you recognize me? (обращается к залу) My friends, do you know me? (Little Red Riding Hood)

Baba Yaga: (пытается выговорить) Look! Let me call you… Honey.

Red Riding Hood: OK!

Baba Yaga: But do you know me?

Red Riding Hood: Yes, I know. But let me call you Dear Granny.

Baba Yaga: Oh, you are such a kind little girl. I’m sure you can help me with my problem.

Red Riding Hood: Certainly! I know you are expecting guests from England.

Baba Yaga: But I forgot everything about Christmas and New Year.

Red Riding Hood: And I know very little. But cheer up! One head is good but two heads are better! I think our friends can help us. I have something like Christmas quiz but I don’t know the answers. Let’s do it together. And you, Dear Granny, write down everything.

Баба Яга записывает ответы.

Красная Шапочка задаёт залу вопросы.

1. What season does Christmas come in?

2. What is the name of the day before Christmas?

3. It’s green and brown. People put presents under it and open them on Christmas Day? What is it?

4. When is Christmas celebrated in Europe?

5. Do Russians celebrate this holiday?

6. When do they celebrate it?

7. Whose birthday is celebrated at Christmas?

8. What country gave us the tradition to decorate Christmas trees?

9. Who introduced the tradition of decorating Christmas trees to Russia?

10. When was the custom of decorating Christmas trees with candles and presents introduced in Britain?

11. Where does the most famous Christmas tree stand in London?

12. What country presents it every year?

13. What do they call Father Frost in the West?

14. Where does he live?

15. What does Santa Claus look like?

16. How does Santa Claus travel?

17. How does Santa Claus enter houses to give children their Christmas presents?

18. Where does he put the presents?

19. What are the traditional Christmas colours?

20. Why do little children write letters to Santa Claus?

21. When did the custom of sending Christmas Cards to friends and relatives appear?

22. What are some traditional Christmas foods?

23. What are Christmas carols?

24. How do people decorate their houses at Christmas?

25. What is the day after Christmas called in Britain?

Baba Yaga: Stop it! Stop it! They know everything but I know nothing. They are so clever but I don’t understand anything. So much information! I didn’t get it. Let’s do it once again.

Red Riding Hood: OK. What do you want to know?

Baba Yaga: Winter. What is it like? (обращается к залу) Can you describe winter?

Student 1: Frosty Windows

When windows are frosty

And icy in places,

I like to write letters,

And draw funny faces,

Or flowers, or houses,

Or maybe a cat –

I really wish windows

Were always like that!

Student 2: Snowflakes

Merry little snowflakes,

Dancing through the street,

Flying in our faces,

Falling at our feet.

Baba Yaga: OK. I got it. Then. The Christmas tree. Is it a real tree?

Red Riding Hood: (обращается к залу) My friends, can you tell her about Christmas trees?

Младшие школьники, исполняя песню “Christmas Tree”, украшают ёлку.

Baba Yaga: OK. But I remember one thing! (вытягивает порванный носок и демонстрирует всем)

Red Riding Hood: What is that?

Baba Yaga: Can’t you see?! It’s a sock! They say somebody puts presents into a sock.

Red Riding Hood: Oh, no! You mean Christmas stockings. (обращается к залу) My friends, have you got Christmas stockings?

Из зала выносят носок и вешают возле камина.

Student 3: There is a tradition that children should put a long sock called a Christmas stocking at the end of their bed or by the chimney or hang it by the fireplace so that Santa Claus will fill it with presents. A tangerine and nuts are often put into the stockings. Santa Claus is supposed to visit each house on Christmas Eve by climbing down the chimney.

Baba Yaga: What about traditional Christmas foods?

Red Riding Hood: I know who can help us. One, two, three. (хлопает в ладоши)

Появляются “трое из ларца, одинаковые с лица”.

Red Riding Hood: Do you know anything about traditional Christmas foods?

“Трое из ларца, одинаковые с лица” рассказывают по очереди о традиционных рожденственских блюдах.

Student 4: The typical meal consists of turkey with potatoes and other vegetables such as carrots and sprouts. This is followed by Christmas pudding – a sweet pudding containing a lot of dried fruit and often covered with flaming brandy. Other traditional foods in Britain include a Christmas cake – a cake containing a lot of dried fruit and usually having a covering of icing and mince pies. Sometimes you can catch the smell of Gingerbread.

Baba Yaga: Gingerbread? What is it?

Tрое подходят к столу и показывают, как делать Gingerbread.

Gingerbread Man
Stir a bowl of gingerbread
Smooth and spicy brown
Roll it with a rolling pin
Up and up and down,
With a cookie cutter,
Make some little men.
Put them in the oven
Till half past ten!

Baba Yaga: And what can we do with a Christmas pudding, Christmas cakes and mince pies?

Выходят гномы с угощением, поют “Christmas Bells”.

Baba Yaga: But what about the main course, the turkey? We have no turkey.

Red Riding Hood: We have, but…(показывает курицу) We don’t know how to cook it.

Baba Yaga: Don’t worry!

If I take on cooking duty

Everything will shine with beauty.

Баба Яга поёт. Во время песни имитирует приготовление блюда.

I have been to cooking courses in the town
And I was taught to cook a lot of stuff.
I must say that our meal is like a gun
You can be killed with it and that’s enough.

Is it a turkey? Delicious turkey?
(What is the English?) – “протянешь ноги”
And if you have such a dreadful turkey
You can not sing in karaoke.

Its appearance is awful. Let it be.
But not for us and not for our guests
Come on girls. Let’s decorate like a Christmas tree.
And everybody’ll cry together “yes”.

It’s such a turkey. It makes me crazy.
Let’s sing and dance. And don’t be lazy.

Baba Yaga: I think everything is ready.

Red Riding Hood: Oh, no. What about Santa Claus?

Baba Yaga: Who is Santa Claus?

Red Riding Hood: (обращается к залу) My friends, who knows about Santa Claus?

Student 5: Santa Claus is thought to live at the North Pole where he spends most of the year in his toy workshop making gifts for children with the help of elves.

Student 6: Young children are told that Santa Claus will bring them presents if they are good. Children sometimes write a letter to Santa telling him what presents they would like for Christmas.

Student 7: Santa Claus, also called Santa, Father Christmas or Kriss Kringle is an imaginary old man in red clothes and with a long white beard. He is supposed to fly about the sky in a sleigh pulled by reindeer.

Student 8: A Shy Santa

Isn’t it the strangest thing that Santa is so shy?

We can never, never catch him,

No matter how we try.

It is no use to watch,

Because my parents said,

“Santa Claus will only come

When children are in bed!”

Student 9: Poor He!

We know that Santa is very fat.

He climbs down the chimney like a cat.

But what’s the matter?

Where is he?

He is hanging in the chimney,

Poor he!

Student 10: Santa’s Visit

Santa visited me at night.

His hair and beard were very white.

When Santa had gone away, too soon

I saw my daddy in Santa’s jacket and pantaloon.

Baba Yaga: But where is he? How can we get him?

Red Riding Hood: Let’s sing him a Christmas carol.

Baba Yaga: Christmas carol. OK.

Все поют “Christmas Carol”.

Baba Yaga: Oh, it’s so boring. I have something more cheerful.

Старшие школьники поют песню “Venus”. Все танцуют.

Red Riding Hood: But it’s not a Christmas song. I’m afraid Santa Claus won’t hear us.

Baba Yaga: OK, my friends. Do you know any Christmas songs? Let’s sing and dance together.

Все вместе поют песню “Jingle Bells” и танцуют.

В конце танца зовут Santa Claus. Появляются Santa Claus, Frosty, Rudolph.

Santa Claus: I’m here, your Santa Claus, your magic Santa Claus.

Baba Yaga: Everybody is here. But who makes Christmas so much fun.

Who makes Christmas so much fun?

All together: Frosty, Frosty are you the one

Who makes Christmas so much fun?

Frosty: Oh, no, no, no. It’s not me

Who makes Christmas so merry!

I sing and play each snowy day,

But with the sun I melt away!

All together: Rudolph, Rudolph are you the one

Who makes Christmas so much fun?

Rudolph: Oh, no, no, no. It’s not me

Who makes Christmas so merry!

On Christmas Eve I light the way,

But home I go with Santa’s sleigh.

All together: Santa, Santa are you the one

Who makes Christmas so much fun?

Santa: Oh, no, no, no. It’s not me

Who makes Christmas so merry!

I bring gifts to girls and boys,

But Christmas is much more than toys!

Christmas is peace, laughter and fun,

And sharing love with everyone!

Our holiday is about to start. Let’s light our Christmas tree. (зажигает огоньки)

Student 11: Christmas Presents

See all the presents by the Christmas tree

Some for you and some for me.

Longs ones, tall ones, short ones, too,

And here is a round one

Wrapped in blue.

Isn’t it fun to look and see

All the presents by the Christmas tree?

Santa: In this New Year

Will you be good?

And do the things

You know you should?

Good health to you, and wealth to you

And the best that life can give to you.

Baba Yaga: It’s a real holiday! But where are my guests?

Из зала выходит учитель.

Teacher: We are already here. We’ve seen and heard everything. And there is only one thing to say: “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!”

Все участники выходят на сцену и поют песню “Happy New Year” (выходя по одному, пишут Новогодние пожелания на большой импровизированной открытке).

By Olga Lobatsevich, Olga Voroshkova ,
School No. 13, Orsha, Belarus