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Harry Potter and the Basilisk

(Based on the book Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J. K. Rowling)

continued from No. 22


Туалет Плачущей Миртл. На стуле посередине сцены сидит Джинни и пишет в дневнике.

Ginny: Hello, my dear friend! I’d like to tell you… But where are you? Come to me! I’m waiting for you!

Появляется Том Ридл, он же Волан-де-Морт, становится рядом с Джинни, но они не смотрят друг на друга.

Tom Riddle: (жёстко) Waiting for me! Ha-ha-ha! Silly girl!

Ginny: What’s that? I’m afraid. Tom, where are you?

Tom: (вкрадчиво) Don’t worry! I’m here and I’m ready to listen to you. Write!

Ginny: You see, when we were having breakfast I asked Harry to pass me some salt and he looked at me very kindly. But you know he is very sad now because many students think he is Slytherin’s heir…

Tom: He? Slytherin’s heir? Ha-ha-ha! That’s great!

Ginny: Tom?!

Tom: Oh, yes. You are right, Harry is in trouble. You must help him! Are you ready?

Ginny: Certainly. What must I do? Tell me quickly!

Звучит тягучая, завораживающая музыка, под которую Джинни выполняет приказы Тома Ридла, как во сне. На заднике сцены появляется надпись.

Tom: (отрывисто, постепенно повышая голос и в конце переходя на крик) Do as I tell you! Stand up! Come up to the wall! Write! “The Chamber of Secrets has been opened! Enemies of the heir, beware! You’ll be next, Mudbloods!” Well done! Now open this tap! Go away! (Джинни уходит) Basilisk! Do you hear me? Shhhhh! Come! Come! Kill! Kill! (уходит)


Холл. На задней стенке красными буквами надпись, которую написала Джинни под диктовку Волан-де-Морта. На краю сцены ширма. Выходят Гермиона, Рон и Гарри.

Hermione: Do you think the heir of Slytherin really exists?

Ron: Maybe. They could have had the key to the Chamber of Secrets for centuries! Handing it down from father to son…

Harry: (заглянув за ширму) Look! Over there!

Ron: My God!

Hermione: Awful! Collin! Is he dead?

Harry: Shouldn’t we try and help?

Ron: Let’s get out of here! Trust me, we don’t want to be found here!

Появляется Малфой и читает надпись, затем замечает трёх друзей и Колина.

Malfoy: Enemies of the heir beware! You’ll be next, Mudbloods! – Fantastic! Brilliant! (looking at Harry) Everybody come here! At last we could catch those three! I think they could tell us something interesting! And Collin – oh!

Выходят проф. Дамблдор, проф. МакГонагалл и Снэйп.

Prof. McG.: Dead?

Prof. D.: No, Minerva, take him to Madam Pomfry.

Malfoy: I want to say they…

Hermione: Nonsense!

Prof. Snape: Don’t interrupt him. Go on, Malfoy!

Malfoy: I want to say Collin was always annoying Potter taking photos of him. Besides that he might have attacked Muggle-born Collin for he hates those Muggles he lives with.

Ron: Rubbish!

Harry: Prof. Dumbledore, I never touched Collin!

Prof. Snape: I think, Headmaster, Potter is not being entirely truthful! I personally feel he should be taken off the Gryffindor Quidditch Team until he is ready to be honest.

Prof. McG.: Really, Severus? I see no reason to stop the boy playing Quidditch. There is no evidence at all that Potter has done anything wrong!

Prof. D.: Innocent until proven guilty, Severus.

Все уходят. Появляется Джинни, которая всё видела, стоя на краю сцены.

Ginny: I feel it’s my fault! My fault?! It’s terrible! Poor Collin and, and Harry. I don’t want this diary any more! And what about Tom? There is something horrible in him, too. Bye forever! (швыряет дневник и убегает)


Выходят Рон, Гермиона и Гарри. Гермиона отцепляет записку со спины Гарри и показывает её мальчикам.

Harry: I can’t get it any more.

Hermione: Let me have a look.

Ron: (читает) “Oh, Potter, you rotter, oh what have you done? You’re killing off students, you think it’s good fun!”

Hermione: Calm yourself. They are all stupid! Look! There is a great flood of water!

Ron: It is seeping from under the door of Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom.

Harry: Let’s go and see.

Плачущая Миртл выходит из-за плаката с раковиной.

Hermione: What’s up Myrtle?

Myrtle: Who’s that? Come to throw something else at me?

Harry: Why would I throw something at you?

Myrtle: Let’s all throw books at Myrtle, because she can’t feel it! Ten points if you can get it through her stomach! Fifty points if it goes through her head! Well, ha, ha, ha! What a lovely game!

Гарри поднимает дневник, который бросила Джинни.

Harry: It’s empty, except for the name, Tom Riddle.

Ron: I know that name! He got an award for special services to the school fifty years ago. And he was Prefect, Head Boy.

Hermione: The Chamber of Secrets was also opened fifty years ago.

Ron: Who threw it to you, Myrtle?

Myrtle: I don’t know. I was just sitting and thinking about death …

Hermione: Yes, your death. And how did you die?

Myrtle: Oh, I remember it so well, though it happened fifty years ago. I was sitting and crying here, because they had been laughing at my glasses. And then I heard somebody come in. I unlocked the door to tell them to go away. That’s all. I just remember seeing a pair of great big yellow eyes.

Harry: Where exactly did you see the eyes?

Myrtle: Somewhere there, from this sink, I think.

Hermione: Thanks a lot, Myrtle. I must go to the library. I’ve got an idea.

Harry: Hermione, wait! We’ll go with you.

Hermione: No! Wait for me in Gryffindor’s common room. (уходят)


Выбегают Кэти и Гермиона.

Katie: Ginny, Ginny! Where has she run to? It’s already night. Oh, I’m afraid to follow her. Hermione, help me!

Hermione: What’s up Katie?

Katie: There’s something strange about Ginny! Suddenly she has become like, like a doll, or a robot. She didn’t answer my questions and ran away. I’m so frightened!

Hermione: Where did she run?

Katie: Right upstairs.

Hermione: To Myrtle’s bathroom? It’s awful! Quickly run for Harry and Ron, and I’ll try to find her.

Убегают в разные стороны.


С разных сторон сцены появляются Том Ридл и Джинни. Затем со стороны Джинни выбегает Гермиона.

Tom: Come to me, nearer, nearer!

Ginny: I’m coming. (приближается к нему)

Hermione: Ginny, stop! Don’t move!

Tom: Oh, rotten girl! Don’t interfere with me!

Ginny: Hermione! I can’t stop! I have no strength. Help me! Oh, no! I don’t want to go!

Том берет её за руку и заводит себе за спину. Затем он обращается к Гермионе.

Tom: It’s too late! Basilisk is coming here and killing this girl! Kill her!

Том с Джинни убегают. Гермиона кричит ей вслед.

Hermione: Shut your eyes Ginny! We mustn’t see him. I hope Ron and Harry won’t come now! What shall I do? I can’t move. Oh, I have a mirror. Now I can go.

Гаснет свет. Два световых пятна (глаза Василиска) двигаются по сцене. Звучит музыка Василиска. Гермиона, держа перед глазами зеркало и вытянув руку, пытается идти, но падает.

Зажигается свет. Вбегают Гарри с Роном.

Harry and Ron: Hermione!

Ron: We shouldn’t have left her alone!

Harry: (вынимает из руки Гермионы записку) Ron! Only have a look! Hermione has a message: The monster is Basilisk; it kills everybody by the beam of his eye. It moves along the pipes.

Вбегают проф. Дамблдор, проф. МакГонагалл. Затем входит проф. Локхарт.

Prof. McG.: What’s the matter? I hope she isn’t dead! Poor girl!

Prof. D.: Yes, she’ll be well soon…. Minerva, it’s awful, but Ginny Weasley has disappeared! We must close the school immediately!

Рон закрывает лицо руками и опускается на пол, Гарри кладёт руку ему на плечо.

Prof. L.: Close the school? What for? It is so easy for me to find out where the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets is. I’m sure I could tackle this monster myself.

Prof. McG.: Right! Tonight will be an excellent time to do it. We’ll make sure everyone’s out of your way. Otherwise School must be closed. Harry, Ron, I ask you to go immediately to your dormitory. Don’t worry about Hermione. She isn’t dead. She’ll be well soon.

Prof. L.: I’ll see them to the dormitory. Don’t worry!

Prof. McG.: It’s very kind of you.

Уходят, унося Гермиону.

Ron: And Ginny? Where is she? Prof. Lockhart, Ginny has disappeared!

Prof. L.: Oh, Mr. Potter… Mr. Weasley. I’m rather busy at the moment. Urgent call, I have to go.

Ron: What about my sister?

Prof. L.: No one regrets it more than me, but…

Harry: You mean you are running away? After all that stuff you did in your books?

Prof. L.: My dear boy! There were a lot of people who had done all that. And I had to put a Memory Charm on them. That’s all. Awfully sorry, boys, but I’ll have to put a Memory Charm on you now.

Harry: Expelliarmus! (хлопок и волшебная палочка проф. Локхарта отлетает в сторону)

Prof. L.: (боязливо) What would you want me to do?

Ron: You’ll go with us to the Chamber of Secrets.

Prof. L.: Oh, yes, yes… (идёт, испуганно оглядываясь на Гарри, затем неожиданно толкает Рона, выхватывая у него его сломанную волшебную палочку. Рон падает) Adventure ends here boys! I’ll tell everybody that you two tragically lost your minds. Say good bye to your memories! Obliviate! (хлопок и проф. Локхарт, сам, потеряв память, с изумлением оглядывается)… Where am I? Who am I? Oh, what a nice boy! Stand up, stand up!

Ron: Harry, Prof. Lockhart has lost his memory himself! My broken wand is still out of order. That’s great! But my leg! I’ve possibly broken it! I can’t walk! It’s awful!

Harry: Then call for help. And I’ll look for Ginny!

Рон, поддерживаемый проф. Локхартом, уходит.


Гаснет свет, звучит музыкальная тема Василиска. Гарри находит волшебную шляпу и меч под ней. Проектором освещает задник сцены и тень руки создаёт изображение Василиска, с которым вступает в битву Гарри. Последний смертельный удар Гарри сопровождается жутким рёвом чудовища. Затем Гарри бежит к лежащей на полу Джинни.

Harry: Ginny, Ginny please wake up! Don’t be dead! I’ve won the battle with Basilisk!

В свете проектора появляется Том Ридл.

Tom: Harry Potter? I’ve been waiting for you. I’m Tom Riddle.

Harry: Tom – Tom Riddle. What do you mean, she won’t wake. She’s not – She’s not.

Tom: She’s still alive, but not for long now.

Harry: What do you mean?

Tom: Now I’m an only a memory from the diary, and soon, after Ginny’s death, I’ll once again be Lord Voldemort, for I’ll take all her strength. (показывает дневник и пренебрежительно кидает его Гарри)

Harry: Oh, no!

Tom: And you’re dead, Harry Potter. Even if you have killed Basilisk, you are going to die. (берёт волшебную палочку Гарри)

Harry: Diary! You are from the diary. (поднимает меч и вонзает его в дневник)

Tom: No! Don’t touch it! A-a-a! (исчезает)

Зажигается свет. Джинни приходит в сознание.

Ginny: Harry – oh. I tried to tell you, but I couldn’t. It was all my fault. What will Mum and Dad say?

Harry: I don’t think it is your fault. Don’t worry!

Ginny: And where is Riddle?

Harry: Riddle’s finished! And Basilisk is finished too! Let’s go!

Гарри помогает Джинни встать. Звучит весёлая музыка. Появляются все участники пьесы, окружают Гарри и Джинни, поздравляют их. Общий поклон.

By Natalia Berezina ,
School No. 554, Moscow ;
By Vera Rostovtsceva ,
School No. 554, Moscow