Главная страница «Первого сентября»Главная страница журнала «Английский язык»Содержание №13/2009

Межпредметная интеграция. Естественные науки на английском языке

It seems to me that the natural world is the great source of excitement; the great source of visual beauty; the greatest source of intellectual interest. It is the greatest source of so much in life that makes life worth living.

Sir David Attenborough

Естественнонаучный цикл на английском языке Natural Sciences даёт ученику 9–11-х классов возможность выбора в получении знаний по трём направлениям: 1) гуманитарно-лингвистическому и 2) элективному и профильному естественнонаучному, которые сочетают в себе структурные дисциплинарные единицы, слагающие науку биология и связанные с ней науки география, астрономия, физика, химия, генетика, медицина, а также история и культура. Третье направление включает в себе две выше названные опции.


1. Развитие навыков лингвистической компетенции в области естественнонаучных дисциплин на основе оригинальных научно-популярных фильмов производства BBC Великобритания.

2. Подготовка к ЕГЭ и FCE.

3. Использование оригинальных источников информации для приобретения знаний в контексте предпрофильного и профильного обучения.

4. Создание атмосферы для поддержания положительных эмоций ученика.

5. Воспитание эстетического чувства вкуса.


1. Повышение интереса и мотивации к изучению английского языка.

2. Развитие внимания, языковой догадки, памяти, логического мышления, чувства уверенности в своих силах.

3. Расширение современного активного общего и специального словарного запаса, а также кругозора.

Оборудование: LCD-телевизор, DVD-проигрыватель, лицензионные DVD фильмы производства BBC, распечатанные авторские задания к эпизодам фильмов, индивидуальные рабочие и тестовые тетради учеников.

Спецификой является гармоничное объединение видео ряда на языке оригинала с таким видом работ как аудирование (Watching and Listening). Эта крупная структурная единица может служить основой для дальнейшего органичного приложения к ней таких заданий как лексико-грамматические упражнения, чтение, письмо, говорение.

В этой статье приводятся примеры авторских успешно опробованных разработок к шести эпизодам пяти фильмов ВВС Planet Earth, Wild Australasia, Wild South America, Journey of Life, The Private Life of Plants. Практикуя их и подобные им виды упражнений, можно успешно осуществлять тренинг трёх экзаменационных позиций ЕГЭ и FCE, таких как: аудирование, направленное на выполнение упражнений на множественный выбор Multiple Choice, включающий в себя выбор правильного ответа из уже предложенных вариантов, определение правильного ответа на базе контекста, определение различия между созвучными вариантами ответа, понимание намерения и мнения автора, установление соответствия приведенных утверждений эпизоду фильма и др., лексико-грамматические упражнения, развивающие умение давать определения, составлять словосочетания, видоизменять глаголы согласно необходимой грамматической конструкции, а также чтение с заданием выбрать правильные заголовки, выражающие основное содержание абзаца, или выбрать правильные ответы на поставленные вопросы, установление соответствия приведенных высказываний тексту сценария эпизода фильма.

Длительность каждого фрагмента из DVD эпизода составляет приблизительно 8 минут. Жанр: документально-публицистический.




Decide if these statements are true or false.

1. In the boreal forest, in taiga, the needle-shaped leaves of conifers are virtually inedible. So this forest supports very little life in winter. T/F

2. This vast taiga forest circulating the globe contains a third of all the trees on Earth and produces so much oxygen that it changes the composition of the atmosphere. T/F

3. The broadleaf forests are bustling with life in summer. T/F

4. In winter the inhabitants of a broadleaf forest must migrate, hibernate or starve. T/F

5. The are only 400 amur leopards left in the wild and the number is falling by means of hunting and destroying the habitats. T/F

6. The tilt of the Earth axis creates seasons. T/F

7. There are tropical parts of the world where there are no seasons. T/F

8. Tropical forest covers only 3% of the planet surface but it contains more than 50% of all its plants and animals. T/F

9. Less than 22% of sunlight reaches the floor of the tropical rainforest but even here there is extraordinary variety. T/F

10. In the great island of New Guinea there are 32 different species of birds of paradise each more bizarre than the last. T/F

Key: 1. T; 2. T; 3. T; 4. T; 5. F (40 leopards, not 400); 6. T; 7. T; 8. T; 9. F (2%, not 22%); 10. F (42 species, not 32)



You are going to read a story about tropical pollinators. Choose the most suitable headings from the list A–F for each part 1–5 of the story. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use.

A. Awaking of smallest hibernating primates

B. Prey and predator relations

C. A pollinator or a pest?

D. A baobab tree starts to attract its pollinators

E. The witness notices the prehistoric shape of the trees

F. An unforgettable display of a real magic

1. _______________________________________

Tropical Madagascar. The wet season.

It’s now that the baobab trees regrow their leaves and collect water to store in their huge trunks ready for the dry season ahead. The prehistoric shape of these trees is rightly famous. But few have ever witnessed that the baobabs have real magic. For that happens at night high in the treetops. Flush with water the baobab prepares for an unforgettable display. Once started the foot-long flowers can open fully in less than a minute.

2. ________________________________________

As the flowers open the creatures of the forest wake. The mouse lemurs have been hibernating throughout the dry season and now with a return of rains it’s time to get busy. A dozen share this tree hole, but there’s plenty of room. The world’s smallest primate is no bigger than your hand.

3. ________________________________________

Higher in the branches above, the baobab’s nectar is starting to flow. A drink of this sugary energy-packed liquid is ideal way for the lemurs to start their day. Liquid oozes from the flower center and trickles down the petals. But the nectar is not intended for lemurs. These giant hawk moths are the drinkers the tree needs to attract. As they sip they move from tree to tree so they transfer the pollen to fertilize the flowers.

4. ________________________________________

Nectar was an excellent first course for the lemurs, but moths are the main dish. The moths are very important to the lemurs for they will replenish their fat reserves that the lemurs need to survive the dry season.

5. _________________________________________

The lemurs might seem to be a pest for the baobab; they kill their pollinators and rob it of its nectar, but they do give something in return. For as they’re wrestling with the moth, their fur inevitably becomes dusted with pollen, so they too become pollinators.

Key: 1. F; 2. A; 3. D; 4. B; 5. C; E. is an extra heading




Match the words.

1. coralvolcanoes
2. hundreds ofpredators
3. coastalspecies
4. differentline
5. prevent fromreef
6. extinctislands

Key: 1. coral reef; 2. hundreds of islands; 3. coastal line; 4. different species; 5. prevent from predators; 6. extinct volcanoes





I. Match the words with their definitions.

1. uninhabitable and hostile land

2. three dimensional and harsh world

3. solar radiation

4. extraordinary variety

5. full of

6. designed for life

a) the light of the sun

b) very unusual variety

c) unfriendly and threatening

d) containing

e) fit and adaptable for life

f) a severe or difficult in length, height and weight place

II. Read the script and choose the correct answer for each question.

How did life conquer this hostile world? Take an evolutionary journey that one day lead to us. Over the millennia this harsh new world was invaded by a few pioneering forms easy evolved to a multitude of animal designs able to cope with the extreme life on land. Our family, the mammals, is just one of the results. Every living thing is linked by the branches in the tree of life, because all life started in the sea where temperature hardly changes and water protects against a pull of gravity and the burning sun. The sea was the first laboratory of life. And for more than three fourths of life history it was home to every living thing. This was mostly gentle area for soft body creatures like jellyfish. Jellyfish are 95% water and have no skeleton at all. Water suspends all life in the three dimensional world. For hundreds of millions of years plants could only exist in the sea. One group of sea creatures had just the right kit to get up and go – the arthropods – with their hard-jointed outer skeletons.

1. What is the main idea of the episode?

a) The three dimensional world is harsh and inhospitable

b) The sea was the first laboratory of life

c) For hundreds of millions of years plants could only exist in the sea

2. What can you learn from the episode?

a) how gentle living things are

b) what it’s like to live in aquatic environment

c) why the arthropods become evolutionary successful

3. What do we find out about the planet over 3.8 billion years ago?

a) it attracts tourists from abroad

b) for living things it’s an alien, hostile, and inhospitable land

c) local people do water sports there

4. What does the narrator think about mammals?

a) that mammals are just one of the evolutionary results

b) he feels sorry for them

c) that they are not able to cope with the extremes of life

5. Which of these may be the title of the episode?

a) the special equipment

b) the harsh world

c) the pioneering forms with outer skeletons

Key: I. 1. c; 2. f; 3. a; 4. b; 5. d; 6. e; II: 1. b; 2. c; 3. b; 4. a; 5. c




I. Match the words with their definitions.

1. still

2. to compete

3. to invade

4. to face

5. a shoot

6. pollen

7. to extend

8. an adult

9. a particle

10. a generation

11. to germinate

12. a consequence

a) an extremely small piece of something

b) a very young plant

c) to try to win a competition

d) all the organisms who are born and live around the same time

e) to develop from a seed

f) a powder that flowers produce

g) to deal with a problem

h) a result

i) a fully grown human, animal, plant

j) to increase

k) not moving

l) to enter a place in a way that causes problems

II. Choose the correct word from the list below.

height, weight, length, width, canopy, germinate, equipment, explosives, aircraft, feet, particular, consequence, force

Trees have a (1)___________ advantage when transporting their seeds by air – their height. However a few of their seeds can (2)___________. Most will be lost. But trees produce seeds in such numbers that the lost is no (3)_____________. There’s much less wind in the tropical rain forest. Even above the (4)___________ the humid air hangs as a mist and below there is seldom even a breath in the air. Plants have to give their seeds very good fly (5)____________ indeed. (6)_____________ designers have tried to build a wing. Plants created glidersand helicopters, too. The balance between the (7)___________ of the seed and the (8)__________ and (9)_____________ of the wing is perfect. Plants also use (10)________________ and jet proportions. The (11)__________ is so great that seeds can be shot away for as much as fifteen (12)__________.

Key: I. 1. k; 2. c; 3. l; 4. g; 5. b; 6. f; 7. j; 8. i; 9. a; 10. d; 11. e; 12. h; II. 1. particular; 2. germinate; 3. consequence; 4. canopy; 5. equipment; 6. aircraft; 7. weight; 8. length; 9. width; 10. explosives; 11. force; 12. feet




Survival of Isolated Traditional Cultures and Wildlife

Choose the right words from the list. Two words are odd.


1. Around 7000 years ago people domesticated wild (1)___________ of guanaco to produce llamas and alpacas as the sources of meat, wood and pack animals.

2. Llamas are better pack animals and have good meat (2)________ alpacas are more valued for their dense wool.

3. The animals carry weights so the race is the test of their (3)__________ especially at these high altitudes.

4. Traditional (4)__________ have survived in places like this because they’re so (5)________ from the outside world.

5. Wildlife too (6)__________ because much of the continent remains isolated and remote.

Key: 1. relatives; 2. whereas; 3. stamina; 4. cultures; 5. isolated; 6. survives

(altitudes and outside are the odd words)

Т. А. Пересторонина ,
ГОУ СОШ "Школа здоровья" № 830, г. Москва