Главная страница «Первого сентября»Главная страница журнала «Английский язык»Содержание №20/2008

Урок по английскому языку для студентов педколледжей с дополнительной подготовкой в области английского языка

Пояснительная записка

Демократизация и гуманитаризация средней школы, проводимая в нашей стране, требует обновления процесса развития учащихся. Для того, чтобы воспитывать школьников и студентов в духе демократии, свободы и личного достоинства, необходимо усиление гуманитарной и практической направленности учебных дисциплин, включение в их содержание материалов, помогающих молодежи освоить ценности общества и отечественную культуру, способы самоопределения в них. Одним из ведущих принципов становится принцип культуросообразности, предполагающий, что воспитание основывается на общечеловеческих ценностях, строится в соответствии с ценностями и нормами национальной культуры и региональными традициями, не противоречащими общечеловеческим ценностям.

Таким образом, познание культуры в процессе обучения отдельным дисциплинам вносит существенный вклад в воспитание подрастающего поколения. Иностранный язык занимает в ряду предметов особое место. Он не только рассказывает о культуре стран изучаемого языка, но и путем сравнения оттеняет особенности своей национальной культуры, знакомит с общечеловеческими ценностями. Иными словами, содействует воспитанию молодежи в контексте диалога культур. Привлечение материалов культуры повышает мотивацию учения. Приобщение к ним пробуждает познавательную мотивацию, т.е. школьники и студенты не только осваивают программу, но и знакомятся с неизвестными фактами, вызывающими их интерес. При работе над социокультурным компонентом следует использовать для сравнения элементы родной культуры, поскольку только в этом случае обучаемый осознает особенности восприятия мира как индивидуумами, так и народом, говорящим на изучаемом языке, как на родном.

Данный урок посвящен театру. Большое место в нем занимает региональный компонент.

Студенты ведут дискуссию об Амурском театре драмы и комедии. При этом они получают новые знания из истории образования театра. Урок можно использовать в 7-ом классе по теме “How Do You Spend Your Free Time?”, в 9-ом по теме “What’s the News?”, в 10–11-х по теме “What Helps You to Enjoy Yourself” (English: учебник под ред. В. Кузовлева).

Занятие может предполагать использование мультимедийного проектора на том этапе, где идет дискуссия об Амурском театре драмы (особенно когда речь заходит об актерах и рассказывается история театра).

Основное достоинство мультимедиа как раз и состоит в том, что восприятие материала проходит через активизацию не только зрения (текст, цвет, статичные изображения), но и слуха (голос диктора или актера, музыкальное или шумовое оформление), что позволяет создать определенный эмоциональный фон, повышающий эффективность усвоения урока).

Тема: “Theatre” (Театр)

Цель урока: oбобщить знания по теме “Театр”, определить достоинства и недостатки театра в сравнении с кино и телевидением.


1. Развитие диалогической и монологической речи у студентов.
2. Развитие навыков аудирования.
3. Воспитание эстетических и патриотических чувств у студентов, таких как любовь, интерес к театру, гордость за него.
4. Сформировать у студентов определенные знания об Амурском театре Драмы.

Оборудование: магнитофон, видеомагнитофон, портреты артистов театра, книга (буклеты) об Амурском Государственном ордена Трудового Красного Знамени областном театре драмы.


1. Организационный момент. Объяснение цели урока

Teacher: Today I’ll go on speaking about the theatre. I want you to discuss the merits and demerits of the theatre and the cinema. Then we’ll touch upon the subject of the Amur Drama Theatre. But at the beginning of our discussion, let’s listen to N. She will inform us about what is on at the theatre and at the cinemas of the town of Blagoveshchensk.

2. Речевая зарядка

(Студентка даёт информацию о том, что нового в культурной жизни нашего города.)

Student: Attention please! This week’s calendar is full of different cultural events. I’d like to draw your attention to the most interesting ones. I’m sure many of you can’t tear your eyes from the TV film “Poor Nastya”.
And what do you think? The actors and actresses who play the leading parts in this film have come to our town of Blagoveshchensk, among them A. Bondarchuk, V. Verzhbizky, D. Isaev.
Today at 6 o’clock in the evening at the Trade Union Palace the play “Love Without Any Rules” is on.
The Khabarovsk Pantomime Theatre has also arrived in Blagoveshchensk. Today at the Amur Drama Theatre the play “The Night’s Flight” is on. As for the Amur Theatre repertoire, tomorrow we’ll enjoy “The Invisible Lady”.
As for the films I can’t say there’s a wide choice of good films. Maybe the film “Cold Mountain” is worth seeing. It is about the Civil War in the USA. The film has got two “Oscar” nominations. Thank you for attention.

3. Основная часть урока. Дискуссия (полилог) о достоинствах и недостатках театра и кино

Teacher: Let’s get down to business. You may talk either in defense of the theatre or the cinema. Who will broach the subject of our conversation?

Student 1: No doubt the theatre offers amusement and pleasure. But nowadays the theatre is less popular than cinema. Due to the popularity of television and since the appearance of video, the theatre has lost a great deal of its attraction. Besides, theatre tickets are very expensive, especially in good theatres. So we can say that a visit to a theatre has become a luxury.

Student 2: Sorry to interrupt you, but I can’t agree with you on that point. Maybe a visit to a famous theatre is a luxury, but as far as our town is concerned, the price of tickets to the theatre and to the cinema is almost the same. I think that the theatre possesses the most advantages as compared with the cinema.

Student 3: What do you mean?

Student 2: What do I mean? I’ll try to explain it to you. For example, let’s compare a restaurant and a canteen.
In a very good restaurant, we have a dinner that is cooked specially for us; in a canteen we are merely served with standard portions of a standard meal. And this is the difference between the living theatre and mass entertainment like films, radio and television. In the theatre, the play is cooked specially for us. Those who have worked in the theatre know that a production never takes its final shape until it has an audience.

Student 3: N, I see you are a theatre goer and you know much about the theatre. I can’t say I am a theatre-goer, but when I must decide where to go, I usually choose a performance. It’s a great merit of the theatre that the actors don’t play to microphones and cameras, but to warmly responsive fellow-creatures.

Student 4: Sorry, you are talking so emotionally in defence of the theatre. You are simply old-fashioned. What is better than television? The television can be enjoyed at home with a minimum of effort, turning the living-room into a play-house. It’s a pleasure to sit in the armchair before a TV set doing something, maybe eating chips or something else.

Student 5: Right you are. Watching TV is everything for me, especially when cable TV takes an active place in our life. You may switch over different channels and enjoy different programs. Wouldn’t it be right to say that it is the cheapest way of enjoying art? Why must we pay good money to go to the pictures when you can see them at home for nothing?

Student 6: Beyond any doubt, it is cheaper of course. But aren’t you tired of sitting all the evenings at home and watching TV films that are very much alike. And it seems to me that those who spend much time watching TV look like housekeepers. I’m sorry if I’ve offended you.

Student 5: Never mind. Tastes differ after all. But you can’t deny that the TV film “Poor Nastya” is a real piece of art, isn’t it? This film is on now.

Student 7: I believe so. This is the most wonderful and exciting TV film I have ever seen. As far as I know, it is the joint work of Russian and American film producers, though only Russian actors and actresses play in the film.

Student 8: Moreover, the cast of actors and actresses is first-class. In fact the film is beautifully photographed. And the music...! It’s simply superb!

Student 6: I’m sorry but I don’t enjoy seeing long-serial films.

Student 5: I see.

Student 9: I think you can’t but agree that it’s more interesting to go out to the cinema. A wide screen..., bigger after all. You can exchange impressions with your friends.

Student 10: And you needn’t make any special preparations. You needn’t go to the cloakroom and leave coats there. Besides the film runs without any interval. It’s very convenient.

Student 11: And what is the result? You can’t feel any special atmosphere as it occurs at the theatre. And besides, in our town there is not a wide choice of films at our disposal.

Student 12: I fully agree with you. And if you don’t mind, I’ll give my own opinion of the theatre, too. While going to the cinema, theatre or watching TV films we enjoy ourselves and learn something at the same time. But it seems to me that the theatre is the superior kind of art. In order to have an entertaining and educative evening, one must go to the theatre, of course. Every cultured man should visit the theatre from time to time. When I arrive at the theatre, I simply forget all my everyday affairs. The atmosphere of the theatre raises my spirits at once. When I happen to sit on the front row, it gives me a pleasure to smell the paint of the scenery. Most of all, I like the moment when the warning bell rings to tell everyone the play is about to begin. People whisper excitedly. Slowly, the lights begin to come up on the stage. It’s a very moving moment.

Дискуссия (полилог) об Амурском театре Драмы (история образования театра)

Teacher: Now I’d like you to talk about the Amur Drama Theatre. By the way, when was it founded?

Student 1: If my memory doesn’t betray me, it was founded in 1860.

Teacher: You are right to some extent, but not exactly. In the years 1860–1882 only amateur performances were staged. Only in 1883 did the actors and actresses begin their professional activities. Their first play on the professional stage was “The Inspector” by Gogol. And who is the head of the theatre?

Student 2: Tatyana Bedina is the head of the theatre. I think she is a very experienced manager of the theatre.

Student 3: Right you are. But I don’t think that the success of the theatre depends only on her. I am sure that many plays have great success with the public because of the main producer of the theatre.

Student 4: I’m sorry, but I don’t know who is the main producer of the theatre.

Student 3: It is Renat Phazleev. He is a very talented actor and a producer at the same time. He is an honoured art worker.

Teacher: What famous actors and actresses do you know?

Student 5: I know many famous actors and actresses, such as: Anna Lapteva, Vladimir Matveev, Tatyana Telegina and others.

Student 2: I can’t but remind you of some other names such as: Igor Bulatov, Sergei Kharisov, R. Salakhov, T. Chumakova. All of them play the lead roles in the performances.

Teacher: In fact they are very talented.

Монологические высказывания по теме. (Обсуждение спектаклей Амурского Театра Драмы)

Teacher: It should be noted that in December the Theatre marked its one hundred and twentieth anniversary. Just for the jubilee the play “The River of Love” (“Река любви”) was staged. It was a great success with the public. Why was it a great success?

Student 6: “The River of Love” made a great impression on spectators, because it is devoted to the Cossacks who were floating along the Amur. The play tells us about historical events that took place from 1856 till 1862. In my opinion, the performances of the actors and actresses was up to the mark, because such famous actresses and actors as L. Vasilyeva and A. Lapteva, T. Telegina played the leads.

Teacher: And what can you say about the music?

Student 6: It was marvellous, beyond any words. They performed dances and sang songs very well. I was very much impressed by their Cossack songs.

Teacher: And what didn’t you like?

Student 6: It was rather boring. To my mind they didn’t manage to capture some historical events of that time in full measure.

Student 7: And not only that. I think that the scenes of love in this play weren’t successful. I didn’t like the episode concerning Galina’s death. How could she learn so quickly that Zakhar was unfaithful to her? It’s somehow unnatural.

And ... I didn’t like the way Tatyana Chumakova played the part of Hatanko. It seemed to me that there was not much emotion in her acting.

Student 8: I am of the same opinion. But I’d like to draw your attention to the crowd scenes in this play. They were performed very skilfully. Moreover, little children were in the minor roles. It was very touching. They really attracted the attention of the public with their acting.

Teacher: Have you got anything to add, my friends?

Student 9: May I add a few words? I think the most striking episode in this play is when the general governor, N. Muravyov, arrived in Ust-zeiskaya village. It was a great event for all the Cossacks. From that moment, the building of Ust-zeiskaya village began, and soon, in 1858, it was renamed Blagoveshchensk. In addition to it, I want to say that Yury Rogolev played the part of N. Muravyov very naturally. I liked the play.

Teacher: In fact this play is a visiting card for our drama theatre. And in spite of some drawbacks, it is worth seeing.

Teacher: But what about the other plays from the Amur Theatre repertoire? It must be admitted there is a wide choice of plays in the repertoire, isn’t there?

Student 10: Yes, there is. I’d like to tell you a few words about the play “The Marriage” (“Женитьба”). It’s just to my liking, because it’s a comedy, a vaudeville by Gogol. I like to see comedies like that. During the whole performance I was laughing. The plot is funny. Four potential fiancees were eager to marry a young girl. For that purpose they did many clumsy, funny things. And, as a result, the spectators couldn’t stop laughing.

Student 11: Those funny men! They stand out in my memory quite vividly! The cast of actors was first class. R. Salakhov, V. Matveev and Yury Rogolev played in this play. No wonder it was a success! When the performance was over, the audience burst into applause. It was magnificent beyond any words.

Teacher: My friends, I think some of you are great theatre fans, especially Marsha. As far as I know she has seen almost all the plays. What else would you advise us to see in the nearest future?

Student 6: I’d like to draw your attention to the plays “Everything is Topsy-turvy” (“Дом, где все кувырком”) and “The Invisible Woman” (“Дама невидимка”). I hope you’ll enjoy yourselves. Both of the plays are comedies, the actors and actresses in both of them are excellent and the plays are simply superb. But even if you don’t like the plays, you won’t regret going. You will be greatly impressed by the atmosphere of the theatre itself. It will raise your spirits beyond any doubt. Believe me.

Teacher: I fully agree with you, Marsha. And to what conclusion can we come?

Student 12: People are different, and so tastes differ. But in order to compare all these art forms, we should go either to the theatre or to the cinema. And one can’t deny the pleasure of watching TV programmes from time to time. But it seems to me that the theatre is the superior kind of art. I don’t think you’ll object to this point.

Teacher: Of course not.

Аудирование (развитие навыков восприятия речи на слух).

Teacher: When you go to the cinema or to the theatre different clumsy things happen there. Listen to the dialogue first! Try to understand it. Then you are to enlarge it (expand) using your imagination. An unknown word for you is to permit – разрешать. (Слово выписано на доске)


Attendant: Er, excuse me, madam.

Mrs. Madigan: Yes?

Attendant: Taking photographs is not permitted in the auditorium.

Mrs. Madigan: Oh, isn’t it? Now, is this the way to the orchestra stalls?

Attendant: Your camera, madam.

Mrs. Madigan: Camera?

Attendant: Yes, madam. Your camera. There, may I have it?

Mrs. Madigan: This is my hat.

Attendant: Your hat?

Mrs. Madigan: Yes. Now, is this the way to my seat, or isn’t it?

Teacher: Answer the question please. (complete it) What happened to the woman? Now, expand the Dialogue! What else may happen to the woman? USE your imagination.

Студенты (1 или 2 пары) рассказывают расширенный диалог.

Teacher: Now I want you to watch one of the episodes of the video show.


Woman: What shall we do tonight?

Man: I’m going to relax a bit.

Woman: Wouldn’t you like to take a stroll?

Man: No, I don’t feel like it.

Woman: What about a thriller at the cinema?

Man: No, I’m not interested in films.

Woman: Well, why don’t we go to the theatre, then?

Man: Yes, what’s on?

Woman: We’ll see. Pass the newspaper... There’s nothing much on at the theatre. But there’s a very good Hitchcock film on tonight.

Man: Which one is it?

Woman: “The Birds”.

Man: Ah, I’ve never seen that one!

Woman: Well, let’s go, then.

(Учитель задает вопросы по видео-фрагменту)

1. Who is interested in the theatre, the man or the woman?

2. Where did they decide to go to and why?

Развитие навыков диалогической речи

Teacher: Now it’s time to dramatize your own dialogues. I hope that you have taken the situations for your dialogues from real life.

Студенты драматизируют три диалога.



Wife: Oh, you are so early today!

Husband: I’ve got 2 tickets for tonight’s performance. Let’s relax a bit!

Wife: I am all for it. We haven’t been to the theatre for ages. What is on?

Husband: “Marriage”. It’s a comedy. And they say it’s worth seeing. Well... Let’s hurry up. But what are you doing? Are you packing sandwiches with you?

Wife: Never mind. During the break we’ll have a snack.

Husband: Here we are at last! Oh, the lights are going down. The play is beginning. I’m so excited, looking forward to the play.

Wife: So am I. we have a clear view of the stage!

Husband: My dear, are you chewing? But here at the theatre, it’s out of place. It will be better to wait for the break.

Wife: But we haven’t had a substantial meal at home. We hurried to the theatre. In fact you’ve quite forgotten that I’m in the family way.

Husband: You’d rather not mentioned it. I know it. That’s why I have taken you to the theatre! But hush, dear! Those elderly gentlemen are watching us. It seems they don’t approve of our behaviour. Well... Look at the stage better. The scenery is beautiful and they play their parts so wonderfully. And Tatyana Shipilova...! Her acting is so impressive! Tо my mind she is always at her best. In fact she is a real star.

Wife: I don’t think so.

Husband: You look so excited! Because of the play?

Wife: Because of you.

Husband: Because of me?

Wife: I don’t want you to admire this actress. Maybe you’ve brought me here because of her?

Husband: Hush, hush, indeed you are in a bad temper, my dear. Well, soon there will be a break. Let’s go to a restaurant and have a good supper there.

Wife: Oh that’s a good idea!

Husband: But I don’t feel relaxed at the theatre.

Wife: Neither do I.


Cathy: Sam?

Sam: Hmm?

Cathy: What do you want to do tonight?

Sam: Oh, I don’t know. Nothing special.

Cathy: Is there anything on at the cinema?

Sam: Here is the paper.

Cathy: Thanks. (смотрит в газету) There is a new play at the theatre.

Sam: I don’t know about it. What’s it called?

Cathy: “The River of Love”.

Sam: “The River of Love?” What kind of play is it?

Cathy: I don’t know, but I’d like to see it.

Sam: All right. How long has it been running?

Cathy: Why are you asking that?

Sam: Well if it’s a new play it’ll be difficult to get a seat.

Cathy: I don’t think so. But... if you don’t want to go to the theatre, let’s go to the cinema then.

Sam: You are looking so excited, rather strange even. What’s up?

Cathy: I hope you guess why.

Sam: I don’t have any idea. What about going next Sunday night? (читает газету)

Cathy: Will you stop reading a newspaper at last?

Sam: Yes...?

Cathy: I’d like to go out just now.

Sam: But look, what time is it now?

Cathy: It’s only 4. Will you go or not?

Sam: Go, go my dear.


Cathy: Here we are at last.

Sam: Look at the notice! House full. Standing room only. I don’t want to stand for 2 hours.

Cathy: Neither do I.

Sam: What now?

Cathy: Where can we go dancing?

Sam: Dancing? You don’t like dancing.

Cathy: I know. But tonight I do. What about going to a cafe? There will be discotheque and restaurant, what do you think?

Sam: That sounds all right, Cathy?

Cathy: Yes?

Sam: Why do you want to go out tonight?

Cathy: It’s my birthday!


Clerk: Yes, sir.

Mr. Lima: Er... the Angla Symphony Orchestra concerts. Are there any tickets left for tomorrow night’s concert?

Clerk: Sorry, sir. Sold out.

Mr. Lima: Sold out? Really?

Clerk: I’m afraid so.

Mrs. Lima: I really wanted to go to that concert.

Clerk: A limited number of tickets are available on the day of the performance.

Mr. Lima: Where can I get one?

Clerk: From the box at the concert hall. It opens at ten o’clock in the morning.

Mrs. Lima: Will I have to queue?

Clerk: The A.S.O. concerts are very popular. I really think you should try to get there early ... as early as possible.

(The next morning, outside the concert hall in the rain.)

Mr. Lima: You should have waited at the hotel.

Mrs. Lima: Just for a concert!

Man: (Trying to attract their attention:) Psst!

Mrs. Lima: Pardon?

Mr. Lima: I didn’t say anything.

Man: Psst!

Mr. Lima: Pardon?

Mrs. Lima: I didn’t say anything.

Man: No, I did. I said: “Psst!”

Mr. Lima: Well?

Man: Are you waiting for tickets?

Mrs. Lima: Yes.

Man: I have some three-crown tickets for only ten crowns.

Mr. Lima: Six crowns.

Man: Eight crowns.

Mrs. Lima: Four crowns.

Man: Six crowns.

Mr. Lima: Twо crowns.

Man: Three crowns.

Mr. Lima: Тwо please.

Mrs. Lima: Do you have two seats together?

Man: Of course six crowns please. Six crowns... I don’t know why I do this. (He leaves.)

(That evening at the concert hall.)

Mrs. Lima: Why’s that door closed?

Mr. Lima: Excuse me. May we get to our seats?

Attendant: Latecomers will not be admitted until the interval.

Mr. Lima: Latecomers! It’s only a quarter past seven. We’re not late.

Attendant: The concert began at seven o’clock. It was in the paper.

Mr. Lima: The paper! I don’t read the paper.

Mrs. Lima: Harry! Let’s wait at the bar. Next time I’ll buy the record!

Выводы по теме

Teacher: Thank you for the dialogues. My dear friends, what can you tell us about these dialogues?

Student: The dialogues are very well prepared. The students’ speech was rather fluent.

Teacher: Who wants to add anything?

Student: From my point of view all the dialogues were interesting. The situations were taken from real life. But the first dialogue was the best.

Teacher: We have already made a very important conclusion concerning theatre and other kinds of art. What is it?

Student: We are going to be teachers. That is why we must be well educated and cultured persons. We must know much about the theatre in general and first of all about our regional one. (Amur Drama Theatre).

Teacher: I am sure everybody will agree with you.



1. Did you like the lesson?

2. Did you like your discussion?

3. Why have we chosen the form of “discussion” for speaking about the theatre?

4. Do you want to hold the similar lesson at school?

Домашнее задание

Teacher: I want you to imagine the following things. In ten years you will find yourselves in Blagoveshchensk again. You will decide to go to the theatre. What kind of theatre will it be? Let your imagination work on this problem. It will be your homework. You are to share your opinion about the theatre “of the future” in a form of a dialogue or monologue. As you wish.

By Natalya Zhirnova ,
Blagoveshchensk, Amur Reg.