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Form 7. Vocabulary Exercises

Учебник английского языка для VII класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, лицеев, гимназий, колледжей (Л.В. Хрусталева, В.Н. Богородицкая)

continued from No. 17



Ex. 1. Give English equivalents of the following word combinations.

1. национальный герой


2. совершить героический поступок


3. славная победа


4. завоевать страну


5. борьба народа за независимость


6. войти в историю


7. быть в беде


8. не буди лихо, пока спит тихо


9. привести к чему-либо


10. защищать границы от возможного нападения


11. на месте чего-либо


Ex. 2. Use the proper forms of the words given in brackets.

1. William the (conquer)___________ was crowned king of England on Christmas Day 1066.

2. King Richard II promised to satisfy all the peasants’ demands, but then changed his mind and executed all the (lead)_________ of the revolt and refused (honour) __________ his promises.

3. “(Glory)_________ sight! The poetry of motion! The real way to travel!” exclaimed Mr. Toad.

4. How do thought processes change during the (develop)__________ of a child?

5. Offa’s Dyke, the huge earth wall built in 779 AD, served as (defend)__________________ against the attacks of the Celts.

Ex. 3. Fill in the gaps with the active words. Use verbs in the proper tense.

1. The population of England was about two million at the time of the Norman ____________.

2. They were soon on the road that ___________ east out of town towards the native village.

3. During the eleventh and twelfth centuries the Church wanted the kings of Europe to accept its authority. The __________ was for both power and money.

4. He had tried not to think about the missing document until he came to his office, and the mystery of its disappearance began _________ him again.


Ex. 1. Give English equivalents of the following word combinations.

1. героическая битва


2. в честь кого-то


3. заслужить вечную славу


4. побороть (преодолеть) свои страхи


5. бороться за свободу


6. развить идею


7. попасть в беду


8. вести (руководить) (3 формы)


9. лидер (руководитель)


10. защищать свои права


11. историческое место


Ex. 2. Use the proper forms of the words given in brackets.

1. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle was kept in Old English from 891 until 1154 well after the Norman (conquer)_____________.

2. The earliest Anglo-Saxon literature was poetry dealing with (hero)____________ episodes from the history of the Germanic tribes.

3. Wat Tyler was the (lead)_________ of the Peasant Revolt which started in 1381.

4. The House of Commons contained a mixture of gentry, merchants and freemen. The cooperation of these groups became important to Britain’s later political and social (develop)___________.

5. The only Welsh who were free from English rule lived around Snowdon. They (lead)________ by prince of Gwynedd who tried to become independent of the English.

Ex. 3. Fill in the gaps with the active words. Use the verbs in the proper tense and voice forms.

1. John’s reign marked the end of the long __________ between Church and state in England.

2. During the Great Patriotic War the whole nation united to ________ our Motherland.

3. The new cathedral was built on the __________ of the destroyed one.

4. A __________ future opened before them.


Ex. 1. Give English equivalents of the following word combinations.

1. цель экспедиции


2. риск


3. рисковать (3 варианта)


4. преодолевать (3 ф.)


5. преодолевать трудности


6. подавать пример


7. зов приключений


8. развивать силу воли


9. где хотенье, там и уменье


10. ударять, бить (3 ф.)


11. часы пробили полночь


12. мне пришло в голову, меня осенила мысль


13. дрожать от страха


14. дрожать при мысли


15. поселиться в новой стране


16. первое английское поселение


17. едва


18. несмотря на


19. преувеличивать важность чего-либо


20. обыскать дом


21. в поисках чего-либо


22. тайна, таинственный


Ex. 2. Match the words in the left hand column with their synonyms in the right hand column.

1. aim
2. to search
3. to overcome
4. risk
5. hardly
6. to strike
7. mystery
8. to tremble
9. in spite of
10. to settle
11. desire

a. to shake
b. goal
c. danger
d. secret
e. to hit
f. to live in
g. scarcely
h. despite
i. conquer
j. to look for
k. wish

Ex. 3. Fill in the gaps with the missing words.

1. “You should leave the palace before the clock ___________ midnight!” the fairy said to Cinderella.

2. The __________ of Professor Challenger’s expedition was to prove that the life of a prehistoric age existed on the plateau.

3. When Professor Higgins looked at Eliza he could see that the girl was ___________ with anger.

4. The bird was flying so high that it could ______ be seen.

5. _________ great difficulties the young man recovered from the nervous breakdown.

6. The first __________ in America were Spanish.

7. Peary’s courage, strength and ________ ________ to all his companions.

8. Though Robert Louis Stevenson suffered from a mortal disease he always felt the _________ of adventure.

9. The first explorers of the Poles _________ their lives and had to __________ great difficulties to acquire the vital knowledge how to survive in Arctic and Antarctic winter.

10. Nancy says that she has been to Disneyland twenty times but I think she is _______________.

11. It’s Kim’s heart’s __________ to become a space tourist.

12. From news broadcasts we learnt that rescue team had been _________ all through the night in the hope to find more survivors.

Ex, 4. Translate into English using the words of ex. 32–33 p. 92.

1. Когда часы пробили 7, он едва смог открыть глаза.

2. Члены экспедиции решили продолжить своё путешествие несмотря на сильный ливень.

3. Девочка продолжала читать, несмотря на сильный шум.

4. Почему ты весь дрожишь?

5. Он едва мог выстрелить, так как дрожал от страха.

6. Зов приключений заставлял путешественников рисковать жизнью и преодолевать трудности.

7. После возвращения из Европы они поселились в Южной Дакоте.

8. Целью экспедиции Роберта Скотта было достичь Южного полюса.

9. “Остров сокровищ” – это роман о пиратах и поисках сокровищ.

10. Кем был написан роман “Таинственный остров”?


Ex. 1. Fill in the gaps with the missing words.

1. Elizabeth had a very strong sense of _______________.

2. Julian showed a remarkable __________ in imitating animals and musical instruments.

3. If you want to have a good command of English you should __________ speaking it every day.

4. Everybody has different ideas of what _____ happiness is.

5. Elizabeth was ___________ for telling the school rules to the new children.

6. How did you __________ to do all the work on time?

7. You are not properly prepared for the exam. I am afraid you’ll __________ it.

8. ___________ is of prime importance when you learn to play a musical instrument.

9. The writer is very talented. He has ________ with the language.

10. What is the __________? Your eyes are red. Have you been crying?

11. My sister is very _________. She never becomes angry when I annoy her.

Ex. 2. Complete the table.





































Ex. 3. Paraphrase the following sentences using the words from ex. 1, 2.

1. Why can’t you put your things in the right place?

2. He was very upset because he hadn’t passed the exam.

3. Elizabeth was a very sensible girl and had a very serious attitude to her duties.

4. All the members of your group should work together to have good results.

5. You should play the piano regularly in order to improve your skill.

6. Who designed and produced this machine for the first time?

7. Repetition is the mother of learning.

8. Why can’t you explain anything correctly?

9. The writer has a skill to portray life truthfully.

10. He is good at playing in a team.

to be continued

Compiled by Yuliya Levitskaya ,
School No. 1262, Moscow