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Evergreen Musical (Useful Story)


Jane (a little girl)
Letters: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H

Welcome Spring!
Ladies and gentlemen! Spring is nature’s way of saying “Let’s party!”
We’re pleased to see you here. You’re going to see an unforgettable performance called “Evergreen musical”. We hope you’ll have fun.


Звучит музыка, “Утро” Грига. Из-за кулис в танце появляются красочно одетые Времена Года. Они подходят к авансцене и представляются.

Winter: I’m Winter. I’m the coldest season of the year.
Spring: I’m Spring. People call me the season of hope and happiness.
Summer: I’m Summer. I’m the hottest season of the year.
Autumn: I’m Autumn. I come after Summer, when days become cool. Children go to school in autumn.
Summer: And start learning the English Alphabet. But English “is an island for all Seasons!”

Spring is green,
Summer is bright,
Autumn is yellow,
Winter is white.

Spring: Sh… Do you hear that noise?
Winter: I think somebody’s crying.
Summer: It sound like a child.
Autumn: It can’t be true.
Summer: Why?
Autumn: It’s easy. Everyone’s at school now.
Winter: O.K., but let me see.

Идет осторожно за кулисы.

Winter: It’s really a girl and she is crying!

Все подходят к кулисе и выводят девочку на середину сцены.

Autumn: What happened, young lady?
Spring: Why are you crying?
Summer: What’s your name?
Winter: Perhaps somebody hurt her?
Spring: Is that true?
Autumn: Wait a minute! Too many questions. Who are you, girl?
Jane: My name’s Jane and nobody’s hurt me.

Опять начала плакать.

Spring: Oh, poor thing! You’ve lost your way, haven’t you?
Jane: No…
Winter: Stop crying right now and answer: what’s wrong with you?
Jane: I, I, I’d like to be a student as my friends are.
Winter: Very good! Go to school, than!
Jane: But I can’t!!
Summer: Why, in God’s name?
Jane: I don’t know the English Alphabet…

Опять начала плакать.

Seasons: Is that all? Do you only have this problem?
Jane: It’s enough to be unhappy.

Времена Года советуются и принимают решение помочь девочке.

Summer: We can help you, Jane.
Jane: Really?
Winter: Yes! Be sure, I am the best teacher in the world!
Summer: I didn’t know you are such a modest person.
Winter: Excuse me, we are.
Autumn: That’s better. So, Jane! Are you ready to learn the English Alphabet?
Jane: Yes, I am!
Autumn: Fine! Have a seat in here and be attentive.
Jane: I’m all ears!

Джейн садится на кубик и смотрит представление.


Spring: Jane, do you believe in magic?
Jane: I think, I do.
Spring: Summer, show us your best trick, please!
Summer: With great pleasure!
Abracadabra, magic balm,
Bootees feather, pixies palm…

На экране появляется буква “A”.

Autumn: This is letter “A”. Repeat, please!
Jane: A! A! A!
Winter: Well done!

Из-за кулис появляется группа № 1.

Alison and Andy
Like an Apricot
Alison and Andy
Put it in the pot.
Alison and Andy
Want to have a lot of
Red and tasty Apples
And…An Apricot.

Jane: It was great! Apples, Apricot! A, A, A! Summer, could you do your trick again?
Summer: Of course I can.
Abracadabra, magic balm,
Bootees feather, pixies palm…

На экране появляется буква “B”.

Spring: This is letter “B”. Repeat, please!
Jane: B! B! B!
Winter: Lovely!

Из-за кулис появляется группа № 2.

Brown Bear, Brown Bear,
Look at me, look at me!
Brown Bear, Brown Bear,
I’m a Bee! I’m a Bee!

Jane: I know two letters! Can I go to school now?
Winter: No, dear! There are 26 letters in the English Alphabet.
Jane: 26?!? Oh, no! I’ll never learn them…and never become a student.
Autumn: Don’t worry! All the children learn them. Step by step. Day by day.
Spring: You are very quick! Just do it!
Summer: Jane, are you ready to go ahead?
Jane: Yes, ma’am!
Summer: Abracadabra, magic balm,
Bootees feather, pixies palm…

На экране появляется буква “C”.

Autumn: This is letter “C”. Repeat, please!
Jane: C! C! C! I see letter C! Wow! I can compose rhymes!!
Winter: Good for you!

Из-за кулис появляется группа № 3.

Cinema, Cinema, Cinema!
We go to the Cinema!
I’ll be a Clown!
You’ll be Cowboy!
We love Cinema:
Girls and boys!!

Jane: Would you please go on, Summer? I like it very much!
Summer: The pleasure is mine! I like learning, too.
Abracadabra, magic balm,
Bootees feather, pixies palm…
Autumn: This is letter “D”. Repeat, please!
Jane: D! D! D! D is for DOG!
Winter: Marvelous!

Из-за кулис появляется группа № 4.

Donald Duck
Is afraid of the Dark.
When the morning comes
He can swim and Dance.
But poor thing –
He can never sing!

Jane: A, B, C, and D! I know 4 letters!
Spring: Are you tired, dear?
Jane: No, no! Please, go on!
Summer: O.K. Look at the screen.
Abracadabra, magic balm,
Bootees feather, pixies palm…
Autumn: This is letter “E”. Repeat, please!
Jane: E! E! E!
Winter: Excellent!

Из-за кулис появляется группа № 5.

Eagles fly every day,
Eagles fly far away.
Eagles look at the Earth,
Eagles move from South to North.

Jane: What a beautiful song! “E” will be my favourite letter.
Autumn: Next letter is very nice too.
Jane: May I say a charm-word, “Abracadabra”?
Summer: Yes, you may.
Jane: Abracadabra, magic balm,
Bootees feather, pixies palm…
Abracadabra, Abracadabra. Nothing…Where’s a letter?
Summer: Magic is a special power. Nobody can do tricks without believing in magic.
Jane: What shall I do?
Summer: Just believe. Try it again and we’re going to help you.
Jane: Abracadabra, magic balm,
Bootees feather, pixies palm…
Jane: Yes! I’ve done it! Sorry, we’ve done it!
Autumn: Friendship is power! This is letter “F”. Repeat, please!
Jane: F! F! F!
Winter: All right, little girl! You are so clever!

Из-за кулис появляется группа № 6.

Flower’s here, Flower’s there,
Flower’s growing everywhere!

Fifteen Favourite Fellows –
Follow me!

Jane: Funny song! Oh, Spring, the word “funny” starts with the letter “F”!
Spring: You are right, Jane! Please, say “Abracadabra” with us.
Summer: Abracadabra, magic balm,
Bootees feather, pixies palm…
Autumn: This is letter “G”. Repeat, please!
Jane: G! G! G! Gee!
Winter: Fine! Now you can sing another song.
Jane: I’m ready.

Из-за кулис появляется группа № 7.

Gentleman Gerald’s
Gentle and Gay.
Gentleman Gerald
Can run and play.
Gentleman Gerald
Let’s sing the song!
But Gentleman Gerald
Says: “So long!”

Jane: Which letter will be the next?
Winter: Just wait a moment, Jane! Letters appear with magic. Don’t you remember?
Jane: Oh, yes!
Summer: Abracadabra, magic balm,
Bootees feather, pixies palm…
Autumn: This is letter “H”. Repeat, please!
Jane: H! H! H!
Winter: Very nice!
Jane: But…there’re no words beginning with sound “eitch”
Winter: You will be a good student. No words with “eitch”, but there’re lots of words beginning with “h”. Listen to the song!

Из-за кулис появляется группа № 8.

How many Hamsters,
How many Hats,
How many Hamburgers,
How many Heads,
How many Handles,
Hanging on the wall?
How many questions
Asks my little Paul!

Jane: Your story is wonderful!
Winter: Unfortunately, we are short of time.
Jane: You have to go, Seasons, don’t you?
Spring: Yes, Jane.
Jane: What shall I do then?
Autumn: You should go to school and learn the English Alphabet with your friends.
Summer: Don’t be afraid! You are a very clever girl.
Autumn: Believe me, everything will be O.K.!

In Winter and in Summer,
In Autumn and in Spring,
With Teacher or with your Mama
Learn Letters, learn Letters, learn Letters,
Learn them and sing!!

By Lyudmila Magazanik ,
School "UNA", Moscow