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Explorations and Discoveries

Открытый урок в 6-м классе


Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизации знаний и способов деятельности.
На предыдущих уроках ученики знакомились с исследователями и их открытиями, с лексикой по этой теме.
При планировании урока были учтены уровень приобретенных навыков данной группы учеников и дифференцированный подход к каждому ученику (навыки аудирования, навыки говорения, чтения и письма).
Цели урока:
1. Образовательная: обобщить полученные знания о первооткрывателях;
2. Развивающая: расширить кругозор учащихся, развить память, внимание;
3. Воспитательная: учить учеников целеустремленности, преодолению трудностей, воспитать добросовестное отношение к учёбе;
4. Практическая: развить владение всеми видами речевой деятельности (аудирование, говорение, чтение, письмо).
Задачи урока: формировать навыки аудирования; активизировать навыки владения всеми видами чтения (выборочное, сканирование, предварительное, повторное), монологической речи и грамматики (письменный перевод предложений с использованием Past Perfect и Future-in-the-Past); продолжить работу по составлению плана; научить заполнять таблицу на основе прослушанного текста.
Оборудование (средства обучения): видеопроектор, магнитофон, аудиозаписи к учебнику Enterprise 3 Unit 12, слайды (наглядные пособия), карта, карточки с грамматическим материалом.
Используемая литература:
1. Учебник Богородицкая В.Н., Хрусталёва Л.В. English VI, 6-й класс.
2. Аудиозапись к учебнику Enterprise 3, Unit 12.
3. Стихотворение из учебника “Английский язык” Верещагиной И.Н., Притыкиной Т.А. 4-й класс.


Этап 1. Организационный момент (приветствие, сообщение цели урока).
Teacher: Good morning, children! At this lesson we will repeat everything we have learnt about explorers and their discoveries, listen to the tape, fill in the table, work with words, grammar, and even enjoy ourselves.

Этап 2. Формирование умения работать с реальными объектами, как с источниками информации (Enterprise, раздаточный материал, межпредметные связи). Речевая разминка (вопросы-ответы).
Teacher: We begin with questions. I’ll ask them and you will answer them. Give me full answers if it is possible.
Which lessons help you to know a lot about the world?
Pupil: History and geography help us to know a lot about the world.
Teacher: What new things do you learn about different countries in the world?
Pupil: We learn history, geography, climate, plants, and animals of different countries.
Teacher: Was it possible to explore the forests and deserts (to cross the seas and oceans) in earlier centuries? Was it dangerous?
Pupil: In earlier centuries it was dangerous to explore forests. People couldn’t go far because they had primitive ships.
Teacher: What kind of people wanted to know more about the world?
Pupil: Merchants, seamen wanted to know more about the world.
Teacher: What was the best way to explore new lands in earlier centuries?
Pupil: People explored new lands on foot, on horseback, with dogs.
Teacher: Who were the first explorers?
Pupil: The Vikings were.
Teacher: Are explorations and discoveries important for science?
Pupil: Yes, they are.
Teacher: What do people need nowadays to travel?
Pupil: People need transport and maps.

Teacher: Are maps helpful?
Pupil: Yes, they are.
Teacher: We have learned a lot about different explorers and their discoveries and today we are going to speak about them. But we will pay more attention to an American explorer Christopher Columbus.

Этап 3. Развитие умения выборочного, сжатого изложения текста. Активизация лексики по теме с целью проверки знания лексики.
Teacher: Before doing this task open your exercise-books and write down only the necessary words in the necessary tense-forms. Some words can be used twice.
Fill in the blanks with the necessary words in the necessary tense-forms.

Italy, discover, Spain (2), voyages, discovery, journey, India (2), sail, reach, continent
1. Christopher Columbus didn’t know that he _____ America. (had discovered)
2. Do people know about his ________? (discovery)
3. Many people know about his _________ to America. (journey)
4. He was born in ________ but lived in ________ for a long time. (Italy, Spain)
5. He was a seaman and made many sea ________. (voyages)
6. In 1492 the King and the Queen of ________ gave him money to go to ________. (Spain, India)
7. Columbus decided ________ west as he was sure that our planet was round. (to sail)
8. And after sailing 4000 miles, he ________ some land. (reached)
9. Christopher thought that it must be _______ but it was a new ________. (India, continent) It was America.

Этап 4. Развитие умения по составлению простого плана по тексту.
Teacher: Let’s check your results. Read the sentences one by one.
What have you learned about Christopher Columbus? Let’s make up a plan to the text. The plan will help you to summarize the text.
1. Place and country where he was born.
2. Country where he lived.
3. Columbus’s profession and interests.
4. Columbus’s first voyage to the west.
5. Land he discovered.
Take the tables from the files, your pencils and be ready to listen to the tape-recorder.

Этап 5. Критическое изучение содержания прослушанного текста (предусмотрено усложнение навыка) с целью его глубокого осмысления (аналитическое чтение). Развитие умения заполнять на основании прослушанного текста таблицу.
Teacher: Listen to the tape. Look at the table and fill in the missing words.
Voice: Marco Polo is the most famous explorer of the Middle Ages. He was born in Venice in 1254. He was the son of a rich merchant. In 1271 he started a four-year journey through Asia to Peking with his father and uncle. He spent 17 years in China working for the Mongol emperor Kubilai Khan. He finally arrived back in Venice in 1297.

Place of birth Marco Polo was born in _______

Date of birth in _________.
Family He was the son of a _________ merchant.
Travels In 1271 he started a ________ – year journey to Asia.
He spent 17 years in _______.
He arrived back in Venice in _________.

Teacher: What new information have you learnt about Columbus? Speak about Marco Polo. I see you are a bit tired and now we’ll relax a little bit.

Этап 6. Разминка
Teacher: Let’s have a rest. Will you stand up and recite the poem. Let’s remember Columbus.
Pupils: In fourteen hundred and ninety-two
Columbus sailed the ocean blue…
Let’s sing together this old song
About the voyage that took him long,
About the sailors, those strong brave men.
Let’s sing and remember them all again!
Teacher: Thank you very much. Take your seats. We continue our work with grammar. I’ll give you cards and you will write down in your exercise-books the translation of the sentences. Then we’ll check the translation all together.

Этап 7. Активизация грамматических навыков в письменной речи.
Teacher: Translate the sentences from Russian into English using Sequence of Tenses.
1. Колумб был уверен, что он достиг Восточной Индии. (the East Indies)
Columbus was sure that he had reached the East Indies.
2. Фердинанд Магеллан был отважный моряк, который встретился с опасностями до и во время своего морского путешествия.
Ferdinand Magellan was a daring sailor who met with many dangers before and during his voyage.
3. Дэвид Ливингстон не думал, что он сделает много открытий в Африке.
David Livingstone didn’t think that he would make many discoveries in Africa.
4. Джон Кабот был уверен, что нашел новый остров у берегов Азии.
John Cabot was sure that he had found a new island near the shores of Asia.
5. Путешественники знали, что скоро они отправятся в морское путешествие.
The travellers knew that they would set out on a voyage soon.
6. Мы не знали, что он прочитал книгу от начала до конца.
We didn’t know that he had read the book from beginning to end.
7. Учитель сказал, что Пири достиг Северного полюса в 1909 году.
The teacher said that Peary reached the North Pole in 1909.
8. Он не мог ответить, кто совершил это открытие.
He couldn’t say who had made this discovery.
9. Колумб знал, что он будет плыть через Атлантический океан.
Columbus knew that he would sail across the Atlantic Ocean.
10. Мартин сказал, что путешественники будут вне опасности.
Martin said that travelers would be out of danger.
11. Он сказал, что собирается в путешествие по Европе.
He said he was going on a journey round Europe.

Teacher: Thank you very much for your work. I see that you know the words well enough to write down the dictation at the next lesson.
And now you will have to do an unusual task. You will scan (look through) the text about this explorer and then guess who he is.

Этап 8. Развитие умения работать с устным незнакомым текстом. Сканирование, т.е. быстрый просмотр текста с целью поиска факта, слова, знакомого имени.
Развитие внимания, развитие умения индуктивного рассуждения (от частного к общему).

Guess the Explorer

Overworked – worked too much.
He was born in Scotland in 1813. At the age of 10, he went to work in the local factory. His working day began at 6 o’clock in the morning and finished at 8 o’clock in the evening.
He had little money, but he bought some school-books and every night he studied different subjects.
On the 20th of November 1840 he sailed to Africa. Once there, he became very popular with the natives. With their help, he travelled across the great continent of Africa. On his travels, he made many discoveries. On one exciting journey, he came across the great Victoria Waterfall. He described everything he saw around him and put a lot of places on the map. His books about his African journeys are full of important information. At the end of his life, the explorer was overworked and in poor health. He died in April 1873, in a small village in Africa.
It is David Livingstone.

Teacher: And now I’ll change the task. You are to guess the explorer according to the fewest number of lines. Be very attentive, try not to hurry.
Guess each explorer and make up a story about him.
I. A great English sailor
Discovered many new lands
Worked on different ships
Learnt astronomy
In 1768 sailed from England to the Pacific Ocean
Discovered New Zealand and found a strait
In 1771 discovered…and named it New South Wales
Died in 1779 on the Hawaiian Islands
(What did he discover in 1771?)
It was Captain Cook.

II. the son of a merchant
looked for a new way to Asia
was born in Italy
got a charter to explore by Henry VII of England
in the second expedition in 1497 landed on the island Newfoundland
(What was it?)
It was John Cabot.

Teacher: I see that you have done the task even quicker than I have expected. How clever you are! Smart pupils.
The next task will show me how you have learnt and prepared your home task.

Этап 9. Развитие логического умения: определение функциональных отношений компонентов объекта. Проверка домашнего задания (соотнесение портретов с описанием действий: творческое применение усвоенных знаний в новой ситуации).
Teacher: Match the names of some famous explorers with their facts.

Christopher Columbus sailed four times across
the Atlantic Ocean to explore the Americas

Peary reached the North Pole
Roald Amundsen reached the South Pole first
The Vikings discovered Greenland and set up a colony there in 982 AD

Marco Polo spent seventeen years in Asia and explored the Far East
John and Sebastian Cabot discovered Canada
Captain Cook discovered New Zealand and Australia
David Livingstone travelled across the great continent of Africa
Ferdinand Magellan his was the first expedition to sail round the world, 1519–1521

Teacher: Your work is great. I’m glad to hear all your answers. To sum up the work with the words let’s do one more exercise.
Underline the correct word.

1. It’s a three-hour voyage/journey to and from work.
2. The traveler opened/discovered the Far East.
3. Livingstone was the first European to explore/travel through the Zambezi River.
4. The boat reached/arrived at the shore safely.
5. Magellan was the first to sail/swim from the Atlantic into the Pacific.
6. The bank/shore of the river is very high.
7. This country occupies a very large distance/territory.

Teacher: Thanks a lot for your readiness and willingness to do this task.

Этап 10. Итоги урока
Teacher: Our lesson is coming to the end and I would like to thank you for your participating in the activities. I’ll put you marks… Give me your record-books. I’d like to pay attention to...

Этап 11. Домашнее задание
Teacher: Open your record-books and write down your home task: Ex. 17 for dictation. Is everything clear? Then you may go.

Светлана Мякишева ,
ГОУ ЦО 1862, Москва