Главная страница «Первого сентября»Главная страница журнала «Английский язык»Содержание №6/2008

Teacher’s Role in Teaching

A teacher is a person who helps students to learn something at school. His role is very important. Students at school not only acquire some knowledge, but they also learn to communicate with each other. A teacher helps children to socialize. It is rather difficult work, because to be a good teacher means to work hard. A good teacher develops in his pupils a burning desire to learn, and love for truth and beauty, because a bored teacher only teachers boredom. A teacher should not only have professional skills and know teaching methods, but he must also be a psychologist.

Educational work contains million of problems and contradictions, and the process of solving them helps to form new skills and characteristics. But teachers just help parents in bringing their children up.

There are a great number of schools of different types: traditional schools, home schooling, boarding schools. To speak of home schooling, the responsibility for up-bringing lies with the parents, and the teachers give some necessary knowledge. There is absence of communication in such schools, because children are isolated from their peers. In boarding schools the situation is quite different, children practically don’t see their parents. And the formation of new personalities depends only on the teachers. They should pay attention to the fact that all children are different: some of them are patient and easygoing, others are resentful and withdrawn. That is why they have to deal with setbacks and put aside all negative feelings. A great teacher is a great artist and teaching might even be the greatest of the arts.

But what shall we have in the future? Schools as we know them may become obsolete within several years, and the children will be taught primarily through the Internet and computers. Odds are that teachers will take on a new role as advisers.

By Olga Borisova