Главная страница «Первого сентября»Главная страница журнала «Английский язык»Содержание №21/2007

For Young Readers

A Thanksgiving Tale

This story is about the things that Pilgrim children were thankful for on the first Thanksgiving.

Cast of Characters:
Narrator                    Jonathan
Prudence                  Shawna
Little Eagle                Mother
Pilgrims and Indians

Table with food

Pilgrim costumes for Jonathan, Prudence, and Pilgrims. Indian headdresses for Little Eagle, Shawna and Indians.

Early morning on the day of the first Thanksgiving

(Two Pilgrim children come on stage, rubbing their eyes and stretching.)

Narrator: This is a story about the first Thanksgiving.
Jonathan: Our big feast day is finally here.
Prudence: Yes. I collected all the spices from the garden yesterday. Today I have time to play.
Jonathan: After I help Father carry wood, I can play too.
Prudence: Today we’ll have a wonderful feast! There will be pies, vegetables, meat, and yummy cranberry sauce.
Jonathan: The weather will be getting cold soon. Hopefully, we will have enough food for this winter.
Prudence: Yes. We have many things to be happy about. I just wish there was a girl for me to play with. I miss my friends back home.
Jonathan: I feel the same way. I wish there was a boy my age around here. I guess we’ll just have to play together.

(Suddenly behind the trees, two Indian children peek out at them. They duck out of sight when Jonathan glances at them.)

Jonathan: Prudence! Something is behind those trees.
Prudence: (looking) I don’t see anything. Let’s find out!

(They go into the trees and exit out of sight.)

Narrator: Before long, Jonathan and Prudence have gone far from their home.
Jonathan: We must have lost whatever we were after.
Prudence: That’s not all. I think we are lost, too.
Jonathan: (looking) How will we ever find our way home?
Narrator: All of a sudden, an Indian boy and girl appear!
Prudence: Hi!
Shawna: Hi!
Jonathan: (pointing to himself and Prudence) We’re lost.
Little Eagle: Come.

(Prudence and Jonathan exit, following Shawna and Little Eagle. They finally come to the Thanksgiving feast)

Narrator: After walking a mile, they find they are home.
Mother: (rushing to her children) Where have you been? We were worried about you.
Jonathan: We’re sorry Mother.
Prudence: Could Shawna and Little Eagle stay for the feast?
Mother: Yes. Your friends are welcome to stay.
Prudence: This shall be the best Thanksgiving.
Jonathan: We are thankful for this delicious food and that we are safe at home.
Prudence: But we are also very thankful for our new friends.

From Holiday Plays