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What Helps You
To Enjoy Yourselves?

Контрольная работа по проверке пройденного лексического и грамматического материала к 6 уроку учебника В.П. Кузовлева “Английский язык. 10–11 классы”

Цель: закрепить активную лексику 6 урока, проверить усвоение грамматических структур: Relative Clauses, Adjective Modifiers, Emphatic sentences, Exclamatory sentences.

1. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами из рамки.

broaden, Charlie Chaplin, indifferent, silent, role, informative, comic, black-and-white, costumes, plot, historical, entertaining, acting, colour, cast, documentaries, sound, genres, destroys, science-fiction

I don’t know how it is for you, but I think that films are the most interesting programmes on TV. As you know, the first films were (1)__________ and (2)__________, then came (3)__________ and (4)__________ films. But many of my friends still like to watch those old silent films. They even consider (5)__________, the main male star of many of those films, the best (6)__________ actor the world has ever seen! So many people, so many film (7)__________ to satisfy their tastes. I am convinced that every genre has something valuable in itself. Until recently I have thought that (8)__________ films are dull, because they tell about events that happened in the past. But when I saw “Shakespeare in Love” I changed my mind. Superb (9)__________ by the (10)__________, and beautiful (11)__________ and sets give a real feeling of 1590. For those who like (12)__________ films I can recommend “The Matrix” trilogy. I guarantee that this film, that tells about a possible future of our planet, will leave nobody (13)__________. The (14)__________ of the film is very complex and exciting.
Nowadays many people say that TV (15)__________ our health and our mind. But I think that they aren’t right. TV helps us to get more information about the world around us and to (16)__________ our outlook. As for me, with the help of TV I get acquainted with the traditions and customs in different countries. Of course you can watch (17)__________ to know foreign countries better, but even from feature films you can get many interesting impressions and learn additional information: how people greet each other, how they behave in different situations and what languages they use. So I think that films on TV play a very important (18)_________. They aren’t only (19)__________, they are also very (20)__________, although many would disagree with this statement.

2. Прочитайте краткие описания фильмов и установите соответствия между утверждениями, приведенными ниже, и сюжетами фильмов. На каждое утверждение можно дать более одного ответа. (Чтение на поиск определенной информации в тексте).


When Tom Baker gets a job offer to coach football at Northwestern University in Chicago, he and his wife, Mary, move to the big city, which is a big change for them and their 12 children, who range from pre-school-age twins Kyle and Nigel all the way up to 22-year-old Anne who has already left home. With the recent publication of her long-in-the-works book, Mary feels demands outside the home taking away as much time as Tom’s new job does, so the two are forced to try to find new ways of parenting their massive tribe, but they find their parenting styles aren’t always completely compatible.


The Curse of the Black Pearl

Set in the Caribbean Sea in the 17th century, this is the story of a gentleman rogue of a pirate, Jack Sparrow (Depp), who teams up with the daughter (Knightley) of a governor (Pryce) to stop the evil plan of a ship of dangerous pirates. Led by their captain (Rush), they are trying to reverse an ancient curse that leaves them stuck between life and death, with the light of the moon revealing their skeletons, like some kind of immortal monsters.


Bob and Walt Tenor are small-town legends who excel at sports, and are the proud owners of a fast-food restaurant where their four hands work the grill at lightning speed. When the acting bug bites Walt, he convinces Bob to honour their childhood pact to never hold the other back, and the brothers head West for the bright lights of Hollywood. There the boys encounter the legendary diva – and Academy Award winning actress – Cher. Cher casts Walt as her co-star in her new television series. Suddenly the brothers become instant celebrities. But their real adventure is only beginning, as Bob finds romance with a longtime cyber-pal, and the brothers make a decision that will forever change their lives.


Set in the late 1870s, this epic film depicts the beginnings of the modernisation of Japan, as the island nation evolved past a feudal society, as symbolised by the eradication of the samurai way of life. We see all this happen from the point of view of an alcoholic Civil War veteran turned-Winchester gun spokesman, Captain Woodrow Algren (Cruise), who arrives in Japan to train the troops of the emperor, Meiji, as part of a break away from the long-held tradition of relying on employed samurai warriors to protect territories, as the emperor’s new army prepares to wipe out the remaining samurai warriors.


1. In this film the heroes fight with many supernatural entities, for example, immortal monsters.
2. The main character of this film becomes responsible for a team of teenagers.
3. The only advantages and disadvantages for the main characters of this film is that they can’t get rid of one another.
4. A new job for the head of the family forces the family to change their location.
5. The film deals with problems that the modern developing world can bring into a country with old traditions.
6. These events took place because people took what didn’t belong to them.
7. The main events of the film happen in the 19th century and in a faraway country.
8. You can see a very famous singer in that film.

3. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя активную грамматику и лексику урока.

1. Смотри, это тот режиссер, чей фильм выиграл 11 Оскаров!
2. Какой скучный фильм. Мне он совсем не понравился.
3. Такая ужасная неприятность! Я забыл дома билеты на сегодняшнее представление.
4. Эта та актриса, которая играла в фильме.
5. Да, ты был прав. Это книга действительно легко читается.
6. Мультфильмы чрезвычайно популярны как у детей, так и у взрослых.
7. Какой замечательный фильм мы вчера смотрели!
8. Где та кассета, которую я тебе дал на прошлой неделе?
9. Такие странные слухи! Я действительно не могу в это поверить!
10. Костюмы, которые были разработаны для нового фильма, пропали.


1. 1. silent; 2. black-and-white; 3. sound; 4. colour; 5. Charlie Chaplin; 6. comic; 7. genres; 8. historical; 9. acting; 10. cast; 11. costumes; 12. science-fiction; 13. indifferent; 14. plot; 15. destroys; 16. broaden; 17. documentaries; 18. role; 19. entertaining; 20. informative

2. A. 2, 4; B. 1, 6; C. 3, 8; D. 5, 7


1. Look, this is the director whose film won 11 Academy Awards.
2. Such a boring film! I didn’t like it at all.
3. Such a terrible misfortune! I have forgotten the tickets for today’s performance.
4. This is the actress, who/that played in the film.
5. Yes, you were right. This book IS easily read.
6. Cartoons are extremely popular both among children and adults.
7. We saw such a wonderful film yesterday!
8. Where is the cassette that I gave you last week?
9. Such strange gossip! I CAN’T believe it!
10. The costumes, which/that were made for the new film, disappeared.

By Natalya Plyugina,
School No. 44, Kaliningrad