Главная страница «Первого сентября»Главная страница журнала «Английский язык»Содержание №19/2002



continued from № 17

(Музыка. Выходят дети, в руках у них игрушки: самолёт, поезд, солнышко, звёзды.)

First Boy: There is a funny town
That is upside down.

First Girl: In that funny town
That is upside down
The children sleep all day.

All Together: And at the night they play.
(Звучит музыка.)

Second Boy: When the sun is overhead
Every child sleeps in bed.

Second Girl: Then at night the stars come out
The children get up
And jump about.

First Boy: In that funny town
That is upside down.

First Girl: Where everything we find is such a different kind.

Second Boy: The airplanes fly along the ground.

Second Girl: Up in the clouds,
The trains roll around.

First Boy: In that funny, funny town
That is upside down
The people eat their breakfast
Late at night.

First Girl: And they eat their dinner By the early morning light.

Second Boy: Mothers put ice-сrеam on the stove.

Second Girl: To keep the ice-сrеаm nice and cold.

First Boy: And their newspapers have
Only the news that is very old.

First Girl: Oh, everything we know is upside down.

All Together: In that funny, funny, funny town.

(Дети уходят. Звучит музыка. Выходят 4 ведущих.)

First Compere: I can read, I can write,

I can speak English too.

I love learning English!

And what about you?

Second Compere: I am fond of learning English.

It is very interesting for me.

Third Compere: It is always good to make interesting things.

Fourth Compere: Boys and girls, let’s have some fun!

Let’s speak English at the party.

First Compere: Let’s do it for pleasure. How nice it is to do something for pleasure.

Second Compere: It is wonderful to do something for pleasure.

Let’s do it together. We invite you to our magic land of wonders.

(Звучит сказочная музыка. Девочка уходит и приносит огромный ключ.)

First Compere: This is the key of the kingdom.

Second Compere: In that kingdom there is a town.

Third Compere: Samara is its name.

Fourth Compere: In that town there is a district.

First Compere: Called...

Second Compere: In that district there is a yard.

Third Compere: Of school number...

Fourth Compere: In that yard there is a house.

First Compere: Don’t you know it?

Second Compere: Let me introduce this house I…

Third Compere: No, no, the pupils of the 6th form will do it better.

(Музыка. Выходит группа детей. Звучит “Песня о доме”.)

In front of my house there’s a tree
My cat likes to climb it with me.
At the back of my house there’s a hill
Where I go hiking with Phil.
Next to my house there’s a creek
Where I catch fish every week.
Across the road there’s a lake
Where I go swimming with Jake.
Round my house there’s a lawn
On week-ends, I sit there till dawn.
On top of mу house there’s a nest.
The bird living there is a pest.
Under the porch there’s a mouse
Sometimes it comes in the house.
Over the door there’s a light.
It helps you to find me at night.
Inside the house there is lots more
To see it just knock at the door.

(Во время исполнения песни дети выполняют действия, о которых поется в песне.)

Second Compere: But before we knock at the door, let’s have a look around.

Third Compere: We are in the yard. In our yard of wonders.

First Compere: Our yard is your yard,
Welcome to our yard.
We all can play here.

Fourth Compere: You are my good friends,
We are your good friends,
We are all friends here.

Fourth Compere: Our yard is your yard.
Welcome to our yard!
And let’s sing a song together.

(Звучит песня “The More We Get Together”.)

Third Compere: Since we are friends, you and us, so we can come into the house. Let’s knock at the door.

Fourth Compere: In the house there is a room,
In the room there is a shelf,
On the shelf there is a book.

(Вносят огромную книгу. Звучит музыка. Книгу устанавливают на сцене.)

First Compere: A new magic book,
Full of pictures was bought,
For a good little girl,
Whose name was Jane Dort.

(На голову одной из девочек-ведущих прикалывают большой бант. Это – Jane Dort.)

Second Compere: She looked at the pictures,
She liked them indeed.
But she was too young
To write and to read.

Third Compere: What world of wonders are our books,
As one opens them and looks.
New ideas and people rise
In our fancies and our eyes.

Jane Dort: Oh, the book is so big!
Oh, the book is so thick!
Is it for me?
Let’s peep into the book! What’s there?

(Звучит музыка. Джейн открывает первую страницу книги.)

Fourth Compere: Oh, this page is full of cats!

(Все рассаживаются: начинается “концерт” о котятах, кошках и котах. Подходящие стихи, песенки можно найти в любом сборнике. Я предлагаю следующие.)

Compere: Three little kittens
Lost their mittens,
And they began to cry.


First kitten: Oh, Mother dear!

Second kitten: We very much fear.

Third kitten: That we have lost our mittens!

Mother Cat: Lost your mittens,
You naughty kittens!
Then you will have no pie.

Compere: The three little kittens
Found their mittens
And they began to cry.

First, Second, Third kittens: Oh, Mother dear!

First kitten: See here!

Second kitten: See here!

Third kitten: See, we have found our mittens!

Mother Cat: Oh, you’re good kittens!
Put on your mittens,
And you will have some pie.
But I smell a rat close by.

Kittens: We smell a rat close by
Good-bye! Good-bye! Good-bye!


Pussy-cat, pussy-cat
Where have you been?
I have been to Mother,
To see my dear brother.
Pussy-cat, Pussy-cat
What did you do there?
I frightened a little mouse
Under the chair.


Compere: Two little kittens, one stormy night,
Began to quarrel and then began to fight;
One had a mouse, the other had none,
And that is the way the quarrel began.

First: “I’ll have that mouse”
Said the bigger cat.
“You’ll have that mouse?
We’ll see about that”.

Second: “I’ll have that mouse!”
Said the older one.
“You won’t have that mouse”
Said the little one.

Compere: We told you before it was a stormy night
When these two kittens
Began to fight.
(Появляется старуха с метлой.)

Woman: What are you doing,
My naughty kittens?
Stop your quarrel! Run away!
(Старуха всех выметает.)

Compere: The ground was covered with frost and snow,
And the two little kittens had nowhere to go;
So they lay down on the mat at the door,
While the angry old woman was sweeping the floor.
Then they crept in as quiet as mice,
All wet with snow, and as cold as ice;
For they found it was better that stormy night
To lie down and sleep than to quarrel and to fight.


Listen, here’s a little story,
Which I want to tell to you
Yesterday our cat had kittens
Five small kittens – quite a few!
Long we argued how to name them,
Noisy as a troubled hive,
Till at last it was decided,
They’d be One, Two, Three, Four, Five!

One’s the whitest.
Two’s the tallest.
Three’s the brightest.
Four’s the smallest.
Five is just like Three and Two –
The same pink nose and whiskers too,
The same black spot upon his back
One, Two, Three and Four, Five –
The gayest family alive.
Come and count them on their mat,
Huddled close to Mother cat.

Jane Dort: Oh, I like cats very much. They are so nice and so fluffy!
But let’s turn one more page. What’s there?

First Compere: Let’s look up. What’s next?
(Звучит музыка.)
Oh, there are animals there.
They invite us to the Zoo!

(Музыка. Дети медленно поворачивают ещё одну страницу. Выходят дети младших классов. Они читают стихи о зоопарке. У них в руках животные или игрушки. На этой странице книги могут быть стихи и песни о животных и птицах, живущих в зоопарке.)

I like to go to the Zoo,
To the Zoo, to the Zoo!
Come with me to the Zoo,
To the Zoo, to the Zoo!
A bear lives in the Zoo,
A zebra lives there, too.
In the Zoo, in the Zoo.

Tomorrow on Sunday
We go to the Zoo. Tomorrow,
Tomorrow we go to the Zoo.
Come with me to the Zoo
To see the kangaroo,
To see monkeys and a lion,
And a big crocodile.

(Выходят 3 девочки. У детей, исполняющих это стихотворение, в руках игрушечные обезьяны и крокодил. Они обыгрывают стихотворение.)


Five little monkeys
Swinging from a tree;
Teasing Uncle Crocodile,
Merry as can be.|
Swinging high, swinging low,
Swinging left, swinging right:
“Dear Uncle Crocodile,
Come and take a bite!”

Five little monkeys,
Swinging in the air,
Heads up, tails up,
Little do they care.
Swinging up, swinging down,
Swinging far and near:
“Poor Uncle Crocodile,
Aren’t you hungry, dear?”

Four little monkeys
Sitting in the tree;
Heads down, tails down,
Dreary as can be
Weeping loud, weeping low,
Crying to each other:
“Wicked Uncle Crocodile,
To gobble up our brother”.

(У девочек, исполняющих песню “Five Little Chickadees”, в руках синички.)


Five little chickadees
Peeping at the door;
One flew away,
And then there were four.

Refrain: Chickadee, chickadee, happy and gay.
Chickadee, chickadee, fly away!
Four little chickadees
Sitting in a tree;
One flew away,
And then there were three.

Refrain: Three little chickadees
Looking at you;
One flew away,
And then there were two.

Refrain: Two little chickadees
Sitting in the sun;
One flew away,
And then there was one.

Refrain: One little chickadee
Left all alone;
He flew away,
And then there was none.

Jane Dort: Oh, I am tired of cats, monkeys, crocodiles and other animals’ world. Are there any boys or girls there?

(Поворачивает страницу книги. Заглядывает с любопытством. Звучит музыка.)

First Compere: Look! What’s this? If I am not mistaken this page can bring sweet melodies and music to us.

Second Compere: Let’s listen to them. It will be very nice!

(Усаживаются около книги. С этой страницы книги могут прозвучать любые песни, которые подготовят дети с помощью учителя.)

First Compere: We were together the whole evening.

Second Compere: We talked together, sang songs together, but we didn’t play together.

Jane Dort: It’s a pity but the book is coming to an end.
(Звучит музыка. Поворачивает страницу.)
And before we part let’s play together.

Third Compere: The game is easy. You are to join the singers.

Fourth Compere: Let’s sing the song “Join in the Game”. And do everything together.

(Выходит группа учащихся среднего возраста. Песню-игру “Join in the Game” начинает один ученик.)

Let everyone clap hands like me,
Let everyone clap hands like me,
Come on all and join in the game –
You’ll find that it’s always the same.

Let everyone whistle like me,
Let everyone whistle like me,
Come on and join in the game –
You’ll find that’s always the same.

Let everyone stamp feet like me,
Let everyone stamp feet like me,
Come on all and join in the game –
You’ll find that it’s always the same.

Let everyone do what he wants,
Let everyone do what he wants,
Come on all and join in the game –
You’ll find that it’s always the same.

First Compere: Dear friends. I’m very glad that so many pupils have taken an active part in the English party.

Second Compere: It was very pleasant to listen to the songs and poems.

Third Compere: I hope you had a lot of fun, too.

Fourth Compere: Now it’s high time to say: “Good-bye”.


Jane Dort: We shut the last page of our magic book.

First Compere: We shut the door of our house.
See you later,
See you soon!
Good luck to everyone!

Compiled by Olga Smolyakova, Samara